TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder
The Most Experienced TMJ Orthodontic
Practice in St. Louis
If you suffer from TMJ disorder, you know the daily burden it adds. You probably also know that finding true relief can seem impossible. It is possible. It’s just that most practices don’t specialize in this specific disorder like we do.
For over 30 years, we’ve successfully treated thousands of TMJ patients. From simple, easy-to-treat conditions to more extreme cases, we have a proven track record of putting an end to our patients’ chronic pain and giving them a fresh lease on their quality of life.
As the most experienced TMJ practice in St. Louis, we’re fully equipped to do the same for you.
Treatment for TMJ Disorder Explained
At Moshiri Orthodontics we believe in conservative management of TMJD, (Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder).
Our treatment philosophy combines two phases of treatment:
The initial phase incorporates splint therapy, combined with intensive physical medicine modalities (i.e. chiropractor or physical/massage therapists).
The second phase may involve modification of the patient’s bite via orthodontics (with or without jaw or joint surgery), restorative dentistry, or any other necessary treatment.
A thorough assessment will identify what treatment plan is best suited for your individual needs.
What Is TMJ Disorder—and How Do You Treat It?
Millions of Americans suffer from TMJ disorder every year. However, despite the prevalence of this often painful condition, it’s often misunderstood, and education on the subject can be scary. That’s why we’ve compiled the most important questions about TMJ disorder so you can get the answers you need in one place.
What Is TMJ Disorder—and How Do You Treat It?
Millions of Americans suffer from TMJ disorder every year. However, despite the prevalence of this often painful condition, it’s often misunderstood, and education on the subject can be scary. That’s why we’ve compiled the most important questions about TMJ disorder so you can get the answers you need in one place.
Your First Visit
Since this disorder is generally classified as a medical treatment and is a longer, more comprehensive appointment than our standard consultations, there is an associated fee. However, you may be able to bill the one-time fee of $380 to your medical insurance. We’ll go over the details of your insurance to see what option is best for you.
What is TMJ disorder?
What are the symptoms of TMJ disorder?
Since a combination of factors can cause TMJ disorder, the symptoms may vary widely. Some patients may have one symptom, while others experience another—or a combination of several.
Symptoms can include:
• Headaches
• Facial pain
• Soreness in front of the ear
• Difficulty opening and closing the mouth
• A tender jaw
• Pain behind the eyes
• Pressure or pain in the ears
• Popping, grinding, or clicking sound with pain when opening and closing the mouth or chewing
• Tooth pain without any clear explanation
• Neck ache and/or stiffness
• A burning sensation in the mouth and/or tongue
• Restricted range of jaw movement or “locking” of the jaw in an open or closed position
• An earache without an infection, sometimes spreading to the face
Do I Have TMJ disorder?
Is there a fee for a TMJ disorder consultation?
Can TMJ disorder be treated successfully?
What happens if my TMJ disorder goes untreated?
What types of treatment are common for TMJ disorder?
At Moshiri Orthodontics, we approach TMJ disorder through two phases of treatment:
The initial phase incorporates splint therapy, combined with intensive physical medicine modalities chiropractor or physical/massage therapists).
The second phase may involve modification of the patient’s bite via orthodontics or without jaw or joint surgery), restorative dentistry, or any other necessary treatment.